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At Least We Know In Advance

I posted this graphic o Google+ (G+) a couple of days ago as a joke. Making fun of presidential hopeful, Herman Cain and his '9-9-9' tax reform proposition.  In the beginning (after a few hours) I had one comment from Shawn Smith who stated, "I could go for a flat tax."  Within a few hours, a lively discussion developed, on whether a flat tax or a value added tax (VAT) would be the solution for our country's financial woes.
I wanted to share this with you as an example of social networking really is.  

As business owners, sometimes we get caught up in numbers, and results; forgetting that websites like G+, Facebook, & Twitter are for making connections.  We are allowed to share ideas, opinions and persuade others using these social networking forums.  However, many times we forget that simple thing of sharing.  Instead we look at Facebook, Twitter and others as one big shouting-outdoor marketplace to sell our wares. Reminds me of some kind of flea market on the weekend.

I'm not trying to tell you how to run your social media marketing business, but I want to share with you is a better way to do it.

Thanks for reading.  What are your thoughts?  How do you view social media marketing?


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