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Open My Emails Please!

Open Rates and Email Marketing

Funny thing about emails...if they arent opened, they arent read and if they arent read they wont be acted upon.

They become the equivalent of a piece of snail mail that is delivered to your home and tossed into the trash can without being opened or sales papers that arent even unfolded before being tossed out. Unopened emails are useless.

Open rate is probably the single most important piece of information that your autoresponder provider can give you and certainly the one you need to pay the most attention to.

If your open rate is low, you need to find ways to improve it. If you have a good open rate, you need to find ways to make it better. Anything less than a 100% open rate can stand some improvement.

Improvements in the open rate will translate directly into improvements in link clicks and link clicks will lead directly to more sales.

The first and most important step is to get the recipients of your marketing emails to open them rather than just automatically hitting the delete button.

They did opt-in so you must have done something right in the beginning or you wouldnt have permission to email them in the first place.

Your subject line needs to capture the recipients attention. There needs to be enough of a tease in the subject line to get them to at least open the email.

Dont let anybody tell you that free isnt a good word to use in a subject line...everybody loves free. Secret is another good word to use in a subject line.

Being nosy is a human trait that email marketers can use to get the recipients of their marketing emails to open them.

Try using the recipients name in the subject line of your marketing email.

When people think a message is meant for them personally, they are more apt to open the message and read it.


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