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Social Media Marketing Twictionary {INFOGRAPHIC}

I love this, the Social Marketer's Urban Twictionary. For a social media geek like myself, going over this INFOGRAPHIC gives me a visual of everythihg I thought I knew about Social Meida Marketing. Take a look and see if anything was left out, if you can think of it, then leave a comment below.



  1. There are now several people that start using different social media platforms like Facebook and they also use social media sites to communicate with their friends or either in business owners to communicate with their clients.

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  2. Yes takeshi007, social media is how I connected with my class reunion classmates just in time for the big party. Facebook rocks for that reason.

  3. Infographics about social media marketing, like this one, help people fully grasp the function and importance of social media in today's product, service and company advertisements. People are connected by and through social media networks. And through these networks, social media marketers are building connections, creating interactions and forming relationships, so people can trust them while businesses develop future loyal customers in them.

    Darryl Tay

  4. Hi Darryl, I really like this Infographic because it is very detailed and easy to read. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

  5. social media agency provides a connection between you and customers 24/7. It is an excellent vehicle for branding, customer service and increasing sales, but how do you leverage that open connection? social media agency compile regular activity reports concerning community activity, growth results, ROI on promotions, and website traffic from social media.


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