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How To Get Picture Power On Instagram

I am on Instagram everyday sharing pictures I took or motivational sayings I found online and liked. It’s fun and it doesn’t require a lot of conversation.  I’ve noticed some businesses are buying ads on Instagram. And although I wondered what a sponsored Instagram photo would look like. I believe I like them more than I do those ones on Facebook. Which is ironic because Facebook purchased Instagram in 2012 for $1 Billion.

These sponsored ads on Instagram actually agree with the photo sharing flow of the network.  Primarily short, interesting videos and static graphics catch my eye. The photos I like the most are well composed and well lit (blame it on my own photographic eye) as well as pictures that create curiosity as well as intrigue me.   Pictures that standalone and tell a story are also perfect examples of the things that automatically get a heart shaped like from me. 

As a business owner, these are the types of things that are popular on Instagram. As a consumer, I will respond to sponsored posts on Instagram either I’m looking for a product like that or I find interesting.  Take a look at the post from Ecigguide  a company that promotes and sells vape products and accessories. The photo is simple, clear and without clutter. If you don’t know what the product is, inherently it causes curiosity and you just may show it some love by commenting or clicking the little ‘heart’ icon to show your approval.

This company doesn’t purchase many sponsored ads, preferring to create powerful, well shot photos its followers like. They are using Instagram to create brand awareness, drive traffic to their website where potential customers can purchase their products.  Their strategy is powerful in that they are not shouting obtrusively in your face “buy me!”  Instead, their approach is a kind of laid back in your face presentation.  Notice the business name in the lower right hand corner of the photo.  The name and logo also match their Instagram name and if you click on the company name in the upper left hand corner, you will be led the their profile page which shares the link to the webpage where you can get more information about their products.

Also when you begin posting photos on Instagram, use hashtags  (#) to reach a wider audience.  Keep your content fresh, and use the search tool on Instagram to locate trending hashtags.  You may just find a trending hashtag that is relevant to your business and the picture you are posting.

Keep me in mind by following me on Facebook (latease), Twitter-- @lateaserikard and on Instagram (teasastips).  Or do it the old-fashioned way and call me (314-495-2497) for more information and possible social media consultations. I’d love to help you!


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