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Men: Do You Suffer From Low T?

Symptoms of Low T

You may cringe a little when guys mention symptoms of low T. That's assuming you're open to discussing them with other men - low T symptoms range from the invisible to things that might truly shock you, like larger breasts and smaller testicles.
Yes, low T can actually shrink your balls and cause other symptoms that can make you feel like less of a man. But you're not powerless here. Let's review why some men get the uglier symptoms of low T and what they can do about it - and what you can do too.

Testosterone is the Man Hormone

You're already familiar with the ABCs of testosterone. It's the most famous androgen, or male sex hormone. Among other things, it deepens your voice and puts hair on your chest. Testosterone helps you build muscles and fuels your sex drive. In fact, it even contributes to your penis size and famously helps you get wood.
Most of your testosterone comes from the testicles, though it's made in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. And your pituitary gland plays a role too, by releasing luteinizing hormone (LT) when testosterone gets low. This tells the testiscles to get with the program and make more of this most manliest of hormones.
Testosterone is low when you're a boy. Then 'the change' happens and you go through puberty. That's when you'll first get body hair and your voice gets deep. And your sex drive...well, you know what happens then.

Symptoms of Low T

Each man is different, but testosterone tends to peak between age 30 and 40. After that it tapers off, generally at 10% each decade. That's when you may start noticing these symptoms, which may get worse if you don't do something about them:
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lower Sex Drive
  • Loss of Muscle
  • Smaller, Softer Testicles
  • Larger Breasts
  • Thinner Bones
There's more where that came from too. Testosterone also regulates your mood and your relationships with others. Low T can lead to depression and feelings of worthlessness. Some evidence suggests low T may lead to osteoporosis as well. Despite what you've heard, men are not immune to bone fractures and loss of bone mass.

How to Diagnose Low Testosterone

Most testosterone in your blood is bound to a hormone called sex hormone binding gloobulin (SHBG). Testosterone that is NOT bound to SHBG is called 'Free Testosterone', which can lead to sex problems and is even linked to kidney damage. 'Total Testosterone' is as the name implies. It's all testosterone, including free testosterone and that bound by SHBG.
The average man has 270 to 1070 ng/dL (9-38 nmol/L) of total testosterone. His free testosterone should be 50-210 pg/mL (174-729 pmol/L). Below that and he's flirting with low T.
You'll need a doctor to diagnose low T. He'll do that with a blood test, possibly done in the morning, when testosterone levels tend to be highest of the day.

TestRX is Designed to Boost Testosterone Naturally

You've got several options to fight low testosterone. They're typically forms of synthetic testosterone (hormone replacement therapy), taken as shots, gels or patches, tablets or even pellets injected under your butt cheeks.
But some men (and doctors) hesitate to do hormone replacement therapy because of the adverse effects it may come with - and that's why many guys now opt to address low T with TestRX natural testosterone booster.
Unlike synthetic testosterone, TestRX is not a drug. Instead, it's formulated with natural ingredients like tongkat ali to stimulate testosterone naturally. Think of it as a gentle awakening - a coaxing of your body to start making more testosterone with natural ingredients. You'll feel the difference and see it too, with bigger muscles and erections that come more frequently.
All guys are different, and this is not to say that all men should use TestRX to address low T. But it's no coincidence that more guys are turning to TestRX, and feel more complete for doing just that.


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