Are you aware of a dominant feeling that runs like an undercurrent through your life? Or maybe it's more of a subtle background state that seems to color everything that you say, do, and feel? Maybe it's a persistent feeling that you have when you wake up in the morning? ... (For example, you might feel a constant pressure to be busy and get things done. You might feel anxious about what the day might bring. You might feel confused or depressed about your prospects and possibilities.) What if you could feel peaceful, positive, and clear? Let me show you three simple ways you can bring that soothing power into your life. How you feel in your life has a lot to do with what's going on in your head. If you constantly hear thoughts telling you that "Life is a struggle," "The economy is bad," and "You aren't enough," these have a powerful impact on how you feel.These thoughts are like a proverbial "dark cloud hanging over you."
One of the defining moments of awakening is when you discover that you "are not" the thoughts you are "having." You witness the incessant chatter that drives you, distracts you, and seems like your constant companion and you realize that you don't have to be defined by that. At that moment, you realize that those words in your head really have little to do with you. They also don't reflect what is actually happening in the world. You come to recognize that a majority of those words are just recorded messages from the past, the limiting thoughts of others, and random sounds from your environment. Nevertheless, they are broadcasting through your head. At that moment, you may get a strong urge to turn off that chatter, or at least turn down the volume, so it is less distracting. The truth is--you can learn to do just that. And it doesn't have to take years of practice, just a little guiding of your attention. Here are a few simple ways to turn down the mental volume and quiet your mind. I encourage you to try them out as you read them. Instead of just reading the words, pause at each one, and actually give it a try. You may be surprised at how effective they are. The great thing is, they take just a few moments.3 Ways to Quiet Your Mind
1. See if you can listen to the chatter as an outside observer. See if you can separate "who you are" from those words in your head. Listen to them with an attitude of amused curiosity. Smiling while you do this can help. Allow the words to come and go through your mind without hanging onto any of them. Just watch them come and go. You could say, "Hey, they're just thoughts; they don't define me or what I can do." As you give your thoughts less importance, they lose their grip on your attention. Take a minute to observe your mental chatter with a smile. Here's a guided audio that can help you:2. Focus on something else. If you become completely immersed in paying attention to something besides your thoughts, you'll notice that your mind quiets down. For example, place your hands on your abdomen and become aware of your breathing. See if it's possible to notice the moment when your inhale begins; follow your in-breath all the way through to a natural pause; notice the moment your exhale begins; follow that all the way through to a natural pause--and repeat. Become absolutely interested in following your breathing as if nothing else matters at this moment. Within a few breathing cycles, your mind quiets. Try it for yourself. 3. Ask yourself the question: "Who is thinking?" Then sit and be content that you really have no answer for that. Don't try to make up an answer. Just notice how your mind becomes quiet in the face of that question. Try it for yourself and see what happens. Those are three great ways to get a taste of a quieter mind-- a mind that isn't consumed by incessant thinking, and, therefore, comes to rest in a natural peace. As you get a taste of that, you may discover that you want to experience more of it--you want to go deeper and have the experience stay with you longer. If so, I strongly recommend you get my Core Energy Meditation Program. It's the only truly holistic meditation practice that soothes and integrates all dimensions of your being - mind, heart, body and spirit. Soon a quiet mind can become your dominant background state and your life can feel so much more peaceful, positive, and clear. Check it out here --
Enjoy your practice! - By Kevin Schoeninger, Meditation Master The Mind-Body Training Company -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Free Audio Shows You How To Instantly Release ANY Unwanted Thought, Feeling Or Belief, And Connect To Your Heart's Inner Guidance” ** Release ANYTHING Here >>> CLICK HERE! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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