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Proximity Marketing: Every MCA Marketer Should Have One!

If you're marketing MCA this is going to blow your mind! Proximity Marketing is automatically broadcasting a marketing message to anyone with a smartphone that has their Bluetooth and/or Nearby turned on their phones. This is massive and for anyone having problems promoting MCA or any other network marketing business, you can spend a couple of hours a day at events, restaurants, anywhere there is a large group of people, and watch the sales come in! Proximity Marketing is going to level the playing field. 

I believe you're going to enjoy Proximity Marketing. Especially MCA reps, I would just go to the closest auto repair or auto sound system store and camp out there for about an hour. Those places will be a captive audience for your Unlimited Roadside Assistance benefit. 

Proximity marketing is a cutting edge form of promotion using beacons to broadcast your marketing message to anyone within 100 yards of you via Bluetooth and Nearby technology. In 2016 Google introduced this to all of us.  

"The Play Store offers over one million apps - many of which are created to be used in specific locations or situations. The right app at the right moment lets you get more done. For example, at a store, you may want a barcode scanner to check prices and reviews for an item. Or when you're at a museum, an audio tour would enhance the experience as you make your way around the exhibits.

But, getting the right apps at the right time can be tough if you don’t already know about them. So, we're introducing a new Android feature called Nearby, which notifies you of of things that can be helpful near you."

So when I want to send out a broadcast (which is all the time, daily) I keep my beacon in my purse or pocket and go to a concert, the mall, a baseball game, etc. and let this tiny device do all the work.

Use your beacon when you're at Red Lobster on a Sunday afternoon when they're really crowded and let your device work for you. When you set up your message you will need to make it short and sweet, 40 characters at the most. Then use or as a URL Shortener. This way you can keep track of your traffic and know where you're getting the most penetration as well as the time of day that works best.  I've been using mine for about a week and have had 110 clicks to my link. No sales yet, but those many clicks have generated 21 leads. Leads are good right? That's what people pay hundreds for. I only paid $80 for my beacon which includes a $25 a month service charge.  There is no reason for anyone not to make money in network marketing. This proximity marketing beacon proves it!


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