
Thinking of Mobile Marketing?

Thinking of adding mobile marketing to your make money mix?  Before you get excited, make sure you have their permission to send them mobile text messages.  People don't like spam emails nor will they enjoy mobile messages they didn't solicit.  Once you get their opt-in you are on your way to building another type of relationship with your customers.

Here is a short list of ideas you can implement to get you going!

  1. When your customers sign up for products, make sure to get their cell phone numbers so you can offer them shipping detail updates and confirmations.  If you want to use mobile marketing as a network marketer, get their mobile number so you can inform them of webinars, seminars as well as local and national company networking events.
  2. Send them product status updates and alerts on new network marketing programs or sales products.  Occasionally you should send marketing driven (or sales messages) to your customers.  The one thing you don't want to be guilty of is overkill.
  3. Use QR Codes to lead them back to your website.  Create your QR Code and embed it with links to landing pages, product sales pages or even product information.  This drives brand management to a higher level.
As stated before, most importantly make sure you receive mobile opt-in!  Never, ever spam a customers' mobile number.  Treat this form of contact like gold, because mobile opt-in is the new marketing gold for businesses.

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