
What is B2B Email Marketing?

B2B Email Marketing

B2B (Business to Business) email marketing is a bit different than B2C (Business to Customer) email marketing.

If your email marketing business focuses on products and services that are only of interest to other Internet marketers or other online businesses, you need to be certain that you are not over-doing your email marketing letters.

Business oriented people see email marketing as a tool that can be useful but can also become not useful and even intrusive. People who are operating businesses online are extremely busy people.

Each day their email inboxes are full to the point of overflow. They have a monstrous number of requests and demands on their time, effort and energy.

The marketing emails that you send to those who own their own Internet businesses or who work as purchasing agents for online businesses will not be amused if you send them long epistles extolling the advantages of a product.

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They will be even less amused if you send these long emails everyday or more than once a day. These business people do know how to find the opt-out button and they will find it and use it.

Marketing emails that are sent to online businesses need to be extremely more than 200 words. They need to make the point quickly and they need to be very easy for the recipients to SCAN...they will not be read...they will just be scanned.

Use bullet points. Make your case for their need to buy your product and how it can save them time, effort, energy or make their jobs easier in some way.

How your product can increase sales for the company they represent or increase sales of the products they sell themselves will also be noticed and possibly acted upon. All others will be deleted!

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