
Do You Need Help With Skin Blemishes?

Illuminatural 6i: Why Do We Get Skin Blemishes?

One of the paradoxes of life is that beauty often has a limited shelf life. When we're young, skin is thick and plump. It's usually free of blemishes and it radiates health and fertility.
Then it ages. Once young skin develops wrinkles, with sun damage and visible aging. Skin gets older. And notably, we develop blemishes, and scars we'd like to hide.
Skin blemishes are the result of excessive melanin levels. Melanin is the dark skin pigment, and hyperpigmentation is when the skin cells that produce this dark pigment shift into overdrive, with the development of:
  • moles
  • age spots
  • blotchy skin
  • sun damage
  • uneven complexion
  • melasma
  • freckles
Skin blemishes may also appear as acne scars, birth marks or other signs that skin has been damaged in some form. Though such blemishes are primarily cosmetic, sun damage may elevate risk of skin cancer.


Melanin occurs in all humans and determines skin and hair color and even the shade of one's eyes. Levels of melanin fluctuate among ethnic groups; African-Americans and those of Asian descent have higher levels of melanin than caucasians.
Melanin is produced in the deepest layer of the epidermis – the skin's outermost layer – by the melanocyte skin cells. And hyperpigmentation occurs when the tyrosinase enzyme triggers the melanocyte cells to produce excessive melanin in localized areas.
While birth marks are produced at birth, hyperpigmentation, and the skin blemishes that develop as a result, can be triggered by factors including:
  • pregnancy
  • birth control pills
  • hormone replacement therapy
  • sun exposure
  • acne
  • surgery
Skin blemishes tend to form in concentrated patches, as a result of these factors, and can make once smooth complexion look uneven and blotchy.

How to Treat Skin Blemishes

In many cases, it's possible to reduce the chance that dark spots and related issues with complexion will form. Sun exposure, for example, is a common reason why women (and men) develop age spots and blotchy patches that, left unchecked, can often morph into melanoma and forms of skin cancer. Wearing sun screen, with an SPF of at least 30, can reduce such damage.
As well, hormone replacement therapy is another reason why many women develop dark spots and skin blemishes. And considering that some forms of HRT are linked to heightened risk of breast cancer, it may be advisable to avoid this treatment completely.
Finally, and perhaps the most popular treatment for dark spots and for brighter complexion, many women make a skin brightening product part of their daily skin ritual. However, conventional skin brighteners present health risks that warrant a closer inspection.

Guidelines For Choosing a Skin Brightener

A skin brightener is designed to inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme that triggers hyperpigmentation. In addition, it's made to exfoliate dark, dead skin cells from the epidermis to coincide with the skin's 28-day renewal process.
Many skin brighteners, however, are formulated with hydroquinone and steroids. Worse, roughly one in four skin brightening products sold in the United States contain mercury, often labelled as calomel, mercuric, mercurous or mercurio.
Mercury is linked to a variety of psychological and neurological issues and can cause kidney problems. In some cases, such skin brighteners can cause mercury poisoning that, in pregnant women, can be passed from mother to her fetus.
As a safer alternative, many consumers pursue natural skin brightening, with a lightening product formulated with gentle exfoliants, plant-based sun filters and natural ingredients, including niacinamide and beta glucan.

A natural skin brightener, like Illuminatural6i by the Skinception line of skin care products, performs the same functions as a conventional skin brightener, with lighter complexion and faded dark spots and blemishes, and may avoid the risks of products with mercury and hydroquinone.
Should you be interested in natural skin brightening, consider Illuminatural6i, as it's created with alpha-arbutin, which in a Chinese study, was 60% more effective for its skin-lightening effects that hydroquinone, and as studies indicate, is much safer.


How To Conquer Painful Sex

HELP! I want to have an active sex life,
but my BODY won't cooperate!

Do you find yourself in the mood for sex... and then discover that your body isn't cooperating?
Do you have difficulty getting "wet" enough for sex?
Do you sometimes "dry up" part way through intercourse?
If any of these situations has happened to you, then you are experiencing vaginal dryness.

The #1 Libido Killer: Vaginal Dryness

It can be difficult and downright discouraging to have the problem of vaginal dryness plaguing your sex life. It can be embarrassing. It can make you feel inadequate. It can make your partner feel inadequate.
It can even be painful.

And it doesn't get talked about a lot. Yet vaginal dryness is a problem that most women will face at some point in their lifetime.
Many women are frustrated that their bodies just don't seem to produce enough natural lubrication to allow intercourse to happen comfortably.
Others are angry when their natural lubrication just... disappears halfway through a sexual encounter.
Lubrication is an extremely important element in a healthy sex life since it has a direct impact on both sensation AND desire. The earlier you become lubricated during an intimate encounter, the faster you begin to experience intense sexual sensations and feel desire for your partner.
...And the increase in sensation produces more lubrication, which in turn increases sexual sensation again. Lubrication is not only a biological necessity that allows sexual intercourse to "work"; it is also the key to a satisfying sex life.

Put Yourself First — For Once

Too often, women get caught up in the demands of their hectic lives. Taking care of your kids, your career, your household, your husband... it all comes before taking care of YOU.
And what often suffers most is your sex life.

The real problem here is that not enough women DO something about it.
By accepting vaginal dryness as the physical reality of a stressed-out woman who is past her sexual peak, you are depriving yourself of the fulfilling sex life you deserve.

The good news is that there are products available on the market today that can have a very big impact on the problem of vaginal dryness, bringing you back to the days when passion and sexual excitement were a normal part of your daily life.

(If you never really had those days, you could be in for a fabulous surprise!)
All-natural, doctor endorsed products like Provestra work to increase circulation and blood flow to the vagina. With greater sensitivity, you will experience heightened pleasure and self-lubrication will become naturally easy.

Provestra works to combat vaginal dryness, increasing your desire and making sexual pleasure easily attainable once more. It can even help you achieve more powerful orgasms on a regular basis!
Every woman deserves to have an active, fulfilling sex life. If you're struggling with vaginal dryness, don't suffer silently any longer. Check out your options at


How Male Depression Adds To More Suicides

Beating Male Depression

Despite what you may have heard, depression affects men as profoundly as it does women.
Yes, we've all heard the jokes about the male mid-life crisis and the questions of self-identity that go with it.

But there's a darker side to depression in men. Over a million people take their lives world-wide each year. American men are three to four times more likely to commit suicide than women. In fact, American men between 20 and 24 have a suicide rate seven times higher than women in the same age bracket.

While not all depressed men are going to commit suicide, symptoms of depression affect men's lives and can have a profound impact on their careers, health and their loved ones. Symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, guilt or helplessness, low mood and an inability to feel pleasure, lack of energy and insomnia.

Compounding the problem is the fact that men can find it difficult to reach out and ask for help with depression. Reaching out can make men feel unmanly and weak.

This article outlines how to reach out to men experiencing depression, either yourself or someone you know.

First of all, talk to people. While men often find it difficult to talk about depression, they're more likely to talk about depression-related symptoms they might experience, like insomnia or lack of energy. Talking to a doctor is a good place to start, as it may help diagnose the root cause of the symptoms.

Don't bottle up your feelings. If you've had a blow out with someone, tell someone about it. Alleviate the tension that can build up inside.

Stay active. Exercise benefits both the body and mind, and not only helps you sleep better, it's a great stress relief and an effective way to shed excess pounds. Recent studies are now linking depression to obesity. At the very least, you'll look better with regular exercise. Chances are, you'll feel better too.
Maintain a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of the best depression-fighting foods include brown rice, whole grains, leafy vegetables and oily fish. Salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines are all high in the omega-3 fatty acid EPA. In a 2002 clinical study, researchers found that participants who took a gram of fish oil each day experienced a 50% reduction in depressive symptoms, including insomnia, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.

Stay away from processed foods and foods that are high in fat and sugar. Also avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can make depressive symptoms much worse.
Practice relaxation techniques and exercises like yoga. Have a massage, or practice aroma therapy. Lemon oil, for example, is a powerful anti-depressant and clinical studies have shown it can reduce stress.

Try to sleep between seven and eight hours a night. This can be difficult when experiencing depression, as insomnia is a common depressive symptom. Therefore, practice good sleep hygiene. Make your bedroom an inviting place to sleep. Keep it dark and cool and avoid coffee and stimulants before going to bed. Having said this, try not to get upset if you can't sleep. Avoid sleeping pills, and with enough healthy lifestyle factors, you'll eventually sleep better.

Don't forget to do something you enjoy! Spend time on a hobby or something you enjoy. Maybe it's golfing. Maybe you're a stamp collector. Whatever you enjoy, spend some time to do it. And if it gets you outside when the sun is shining, even better.

Review your lifestyle. Many men who experience depressive symptoms are also perfectionists. In some cases it can be wise to reduce expectations or workload. Or even explore the options of a new career.

If nothing else, take a break from your regular routine. A vacation can do wonders for your life perspective, but even a few days, or a few hours can help.

And finally try a good human growth hormone (HGH) releaser. These are dietary supplements that boost HGH production in men and women, which reduce the effects of aging, including fewer wrinkles, less body fat, increased lean muscle mass and enhanced sex drive.
An HGH releaser can reduce depressive symptoms in men and boost overall quality of life, including more sex, younger appearance and increased feelings of well-being. And because they're dietary supplements, they're available without a doctor prescription. Provacyl is a good HGH releaser for men, as it's specifically formulated with natural ingredients to address andropause, or the steady decrease of hormone production in men, and comes with no known side effects.
Depression in men is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences. But it doesn't have to. With the tips you've found in this article you're equipped to manage depression and minimize the disruption it can create in either your life, or someone you know.


How To Stop Unwanted Hair Growth

Stop Grow is a Hair Growth Inhibitor

There's much shaving, waxing and a whole lot of pain in homes around the nation as men and women resort to dire methods to get rid of unwanted body hair. But if a new formula by Skinception has anything to say about it, this may be required much less.
Stop Grow is a natural hair growth inhibitor. It's not a hair removal product, nor is it a costly or painful treatment, like electrolysis or laser hair removal. And it's not area-specific, which means that, unlike most traditional ways that people reduce body hair, it's effective on any part of the body you choose.
This means:
  • body hair is interrupted at the root
  • growth becomes sparse
  • length of body hair is reduced
As the description implies, a hair growth inhibitor prevents unwanted growth, before it sprouts up, and substantially reduces the need to shave or wax. Specifically, it's designed to interrupt growth within the body hair follicle during the anagen, or 'growth' phase, during which body hair can be persuaded not to grow.

69% Less Body Hair in a Clinical Study

The secret to prevention of body hair is in the formula. Several key ingredients in the Stop Grow formula show promising results as inhibitors of unwanted growth. Combined, they bring hope to men and women want to get rid of unwanted body hair.
Decelerine, for example, is a topical compound of lauric acid, which can be found in palm kernel and coconut oil. Yet it has surprising properties has a hair growth inhibitor. A recent clinical study reveals that women who applied a 3% concentration of Decelerine experienced an 82% reduction in leg shaving because of the reduced growth they enjoyed.

Another active ingredient in the Stop Grow formula, Telocapil, is proven to inhibit the tyrokinase activity of the IGF-1 receptor during the anagen phase of body hair. A study of 15 volunteers reveals that 2% concentrated Telocapil reduced overall hirsutism in 93% of participants. They also experienced a 30% reduction in thickness of body hair.
And Pilisoft LS 7590, derived from gymnema sylvestre, is another botanical-based active ingredient in the Stop Grow formula. Designed to inhibit phosphodiesterase activity, and reduce cellular activity within the hair follicle, participants who applied Pilisoft experienced a noteworthy 69% reduction in unwanted body hair.

Use it After Removal of Body Hair

Stop Grow is clinically proven to reduce unwanted body hair and guard against future growth. Some clients find they no longer need to shave or wax within three to six months of using the product. And though hair removal may still be required, it's required much less.
Stop Grow is designed to work post hair removal. Once hair has been removed, preferably at the root with an epilation-based method like waxing, Stop Grow is applied and immediately interacts with the hair follicles to which it's applied. Most clients begin to see visible reduction of body hair in less than a month, with best results between three and six months.

As well, the product may guard against future unwanted growth. Men in particular tend to get hairier with age, especially on the back. Regular application of Stop Grow should not only reduce existing growth, but may reduce future hirsutism as it develops accordingly.

Finally, the product comes with a generous 90 day money-back guarantee. In the event that a client is not satisfied with the reduction of body hair that he or she experiences, the product can be returned within this time frame for a full refund minus shipping and handling.

These factors, combined with impressive clinical proof of its body hair inhibition and the fact that it can be used to reduce hair growth on any part of the body make Stop Grow the best option for many clients who wish to reduce unwanted body hair and feel good about showing their skin among other people.


How To Look Younger, Feel Younger With HGH

Age Gracefully and Beautifully

Aging is a natural process that everyone is subjected to. As a matter of fact, the aging process started kicking in the moment we were born. However, its unsightly effects are only felt when we start hitting middle age. Despite this, knowing what triggers the unwanted effects of aging and being aware of the right products can actually help you easily slow down or give the illusion that you have halted the aging process before its effects actually get on your nerves.

Many people are getting more and more afraid of facing the signs of aging. There is definitely no one in the world who would love seeing visible lines on their face or damaged skin complexions. Unfortunately, age sneaks up like a thief in the night. You might not like it nor appear to be combating it lightly but inevitably, you grow a year older after every three hundred sixty-five days.

As years add up to your age, they come with changes that take the youth in you. The function of the cells and organisms in your body shift, creating visible changes that sometimes come rapidly. The aging process may be different with each individual because there are many factors that contribute to it, but the bottom line is, everyone will surely get to it at one point of their lives or another.

Some of the bodily changes that you will experience include a significant difference in your weight and height. Weight increase is one of the major concerns that aging people wish to find a solution to. Reduced physical activity due to the weakness of the bones and muscles will definitely take its toll on your weight. Your height, on the other hand, naturally decreases as you get older. This is a result of a handful of factors like changes in posture and in the growth process of your spinal bones. Aside from these, your skin is also a fool proof sign that you are getting older. It becomes rough, loose, and dry. Women get more concerned about the skin changes than men because they tend to experience them faster. With the many hormonal changes women go through starting at the onset of puberty, pregnancy and menopause included, their skin rapidly becomes more vulnerable to age.

Your mental abilities may also become limiting as you grow older. Learning would be a lot more of hard work than, say, when you were on your twenties. Memory loss is also one of the more popular effects of aging. Older people are oftentimes forgetful because their brain process information slower than usual. Your mental fitness would also contribute to the many emotional combats that you will face. Anxiety and depression is very common among the older population because of the physical and mental limitations that they come across with.

Sexual performance is also greatly affected by aging. You may either lose the appetite or the ability to do it altogether.

Some say maintaining a constant supply of the magical Human Growth Hormones (HGH) is like enjoying a youthful life forever. HGH production peaks in adolescence and slowly decreases after you reach your twenties. The decrease is more significant as you grow older, which explains the overall difference that you experience if you are beyond your fifties. Low levels of HGH in your body system is the main reason behind the visibility of the signs of aging.

Among the many things that can be benefited from the aid of proper HGH levels are healthy skin, a more functional immune system, decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, increased bone density, low cholesterol, and high energy levels among others. The older population may submit themselves to an HGH Replacement Therapy to continuously enjoy the limitless possibilities of being young and healthy.

There are of course, things that you can do to enjoy the youthfulness of being young without having to go through pricey medications and therapies.

One is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, meaning, continuously participating in physical activities. Regular exercise is a good solution that will slow the aging process down without having to shell out bucks. A good exercise program that you follow regularly is the best answer to combat weight gain, muscle loss, bone density decline, or even any form of heart and cholesterol-related diseases for that matter.

Eating healthy is another trigger that could make you look and feel young longer. The right choices of foods and taking in the right amounts of them would create a great impact on your body's vitality. Do away with less fat, less salt, less sugar, and more greens, so your body could enjoy the most benefits from eating rather than suffering from the ugly consequences of not eating right.

Avoiding harmful vices like smoking and alcohol drinking can do loads to you more than you can imagine. Smoking is detrimental to the whole body. It triggers premature death but will not let you go looking young as well. The major components of cigarettes have harmful effects that are especially reflected on your complexion. Dry and rough skin can be caused by the poor circulation and low oxygen levels in your blood, which are generated through puffing airs of smokes. Alcohol, on the other hand, depletes your body of the vitamins and minerals it needed to be functional. It also causes dehydration. Keeping a stress-free and happy life most of the time would surely make you feel better about a lot of things and in the process, would make you age gracefully. Stress affects your body and your well-being greatly so make sure that you manage all the aspects of your life well including your career and your personal and social relationships with people.

Admittedly, the fast-paced era held back people to keep a healthy, balanced, and stress-free life only realizing later on that they should have done so. But by that time, you may well be reaching old age and would find it difficult to repair the damages that your old habits created. The good news is, there is a tried and tested way to help counteract the symptoms of aging in a no sweat fashion. GenF20™ helps supply your body's needed HGH to maintain its youthful glow. It tackles all the ugly nightmares that most people worry about getting older. Amid all its benefits, GenF20™ is also safe, so you will not have to worry about side effects.

What Do You Know About Argan Oil?

FAQs About Argan Oil

What is argan oil?

Argan oil is an oil extracted from the kernels of the argan tree. The oil is highly valued for its many cosmetic, therapeutic and medicinal properties. Among other ailments, argan oil is an effective treatment for dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, stretch marks and acne.

One of the hottest sellers in the natural skin care industry, argan oil is particularly gentle on the skin, and for this reason, is recommended for consumers with naturally dry skin and/or sensitivities to common skin care products.

Where does argan oil come from?

Argan oil comes from a 10,000 square mile UNESCO-protected biosphere in southwestern Morocco, and can only be extracted from trees grown in this area.

Used for at least 3,500 years by the Berber people of this region, the oil was traditionally processed by hand, in a laborous process, in which a single litre of the oil took two days of manual labor.

In the early 1990s, argan oil production shifted from the Berber people to modern factories in Casablanca, though government agencies and NGOs have redirected much argan production back to the Berber women.

What's in argan oil?

Argan is high in antioxidants, squalene oil, polyphenols, essential fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids and has at least 200% more vitamin E than olive oil.

What makes argan effective for anti-aging?

The antioxidants in argan oil fight free radical damage and can protect against aging from the sun. The fatty acids enhance cellular health, with the collagen and elastin required to keep skin young and healthy.

Does argan have other applications?

Argan oil makes an effective hair conditioner. You can add argan to your hair, whether wet or dry, and it's an ideal remedy for dry hair or split ends. Experiment a little; a few drops can add shine to hair and improve its appearance.

You can also use argan oil to strengthen your nails. Mix one part each argan oil and lemon juice, paint it on your nails with a brush and leave it on for fifteen minutes.

In addition, argan oil can be used for cooking, though cosmetic argan is made with a different process than product meant for cooking and should therefore be used for that purpose only.

Are there side effects with argan oil?

You'll find that argan oil is very safe. In fact, it's recommended for people with skin sensitivities and irritations to common skin care products. There are no known wide spread side effects with argan oil, but if you have specific concerns regarding argan, it's best to speak with your physician.

What's this about Argan oil and fair trade?

Upon efforts from two German government agencies and several non-government organizations, much production of argan oil has shifted away from modern, foreign-controlled factories in Casablanca and large cities and back to the local Berber women who perfected the extraction process over thousands of years.

The issue of argan oil products manufactured in large-scale factories has not disappeared completely. In particular, argan products with preservatives and packaged by some major cosmetic brands have origins in such industrial workshops.

Fortunately, the global interest in ethical consumerism has contributed to fair trade cooperatives, in which women extract and process argan oil in their traditional manner, with competitive wages, flexible working conditions, health care and educational opportunities.

Should I buy pure argan oil or just an argan-based product?

Buy argan oil in its pure state. This preserves the integrity of the beneficial nutrients in argan oil, for maximum benefits, be they cosmetic or otherwise.

Additionally, pure argan oil is more likely to have been processed in a fair trade cooperative than a factory and by a manufacturer that claims to share the benefits of argan production with local Berber women but fails to do so.

Look for an argan oil product manufactured by a small or mid-sized skin care company. They're more likely to extract their products ethically, in a fair trade co-op, than the larger brands. Look for a commitment from the company that it's been processed in this manner. One example? Skinception Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil.


Facing The Medical Music | What It Means To Get Sick

Getting sick shows us how fragile we are; how fleeting life is. One bout of high blood pressure, pneumonia or even the measles can take you out. It can make you pray like you've never prayed before. And it can make you look at things through a different lens.

Funny how trauma causes one to be introspective and spiritual. However, at the root of a medical event is fear at its fundamental best. 

We are this complex human machine which is fragile and subject to break down at any given moment. The body can completely shut down leaving your loved ones and friends to funeralize you. Or it can break down in parts giving you a chance o repair what's weak or the alternative, face the eternal music. 

Like a car that needs brakes or a motor, your body can become worn and tired from abuse and misuse and it responds in kind. Doctors may try to fix it or maybe they just use sick people for lab experiments? They try this medicine, run that test, just to see what works, or if it works. Like heating up a mixture of chemicals over a Bunsen Burner, one mixture of a pharmaceutical cocktail could sustain one part of your body yet create a problem in another area. It's all scientific - one big chemistry formula directed at a living being that has a physical abnormality.  When it's your body being poked and prodded your level of discomfort is relative to how bad you want the sickness to go away. Sometimes you don't get to choose. 

Try getting shot and discover you don't have a choice as to the technique being used to save your life. A surgeon will quickly grab scissors to cut your clothes off you just to get the chance to cut through your flesh to remove the thing inside you that threatens to shut your machine of a body down.  Then you'll get sewn back together like a piece of fabric. But I digress, the greater good was to save a life. At the end of the day that's the end game; to save a life. Side effects, scientific experiments be damned! Doesn't matter how you get to Vegas just as long as you get there. 

Thank you doctors and nurses for putting me back together again.


400 Years.And.Still

They've been tearing us apart from our men folk since they first brought us here on those slave ships.  We didn't ask to be brought here, as a matter of fact we were kidnapped. Maybe because we don't pick cotton from them anymore, and they can't make us slaves again, they don't need us anymore. Like we don't matter. Yet they've found other ways to enslave us.  Poverty, incarceration, homelessness, subpar or non-existent means to education are some of the ways they tighten the ropes around our necks.

They shoot and kill us like stray dogs, all while denying our Civil Rights. No one understands how the sins of 400 years still haunts the black folks of today. We don't even know why we wake up feeling great despair, anger or just out of place. We don't have a chance at building a family when our men are jailed for 30 or 39 years based on a lie. Or murdered before they become men thus destroying another branch on the ancestral tree. 

Everyone knows if you cut off the branches, the tree won't be protected. Black men are the branches. With them dead or incarcerated, young black women don't know how to be; they lose hope and out of desperation do whatever they need to just to make it another day. Without a nucleus the cell erodes and dies; same goes for the black family. Without black men, the familial unit is incomplete and its offspring are lost. Not knowing how to be, not knowing what a family looks like, those offspring never truly grow to their full potential. The Black family unit is dying and no one seems to know how to save it. Too bad this isn't a fairy tale. Truth really is stranger than fiction. 



She left the office in tears. Tamala couldn’t believe what she just heard. It felt like her whole world had caved in on her. The job she held in such high esteem had turned on her like a wild, unfed tiger. At her age she wouldn’t find employment easy. No matter what her skill set was. All she could think about were the friends she’d made, the experiences she’d shared. Now it was over all because of her boss.

Tamala had been out of work for a year now. Being unemployed had seriously eaten away at her savings. If she didn’t find work soon she’d be forced to file for unemployment and food stamps. Tamala was too proud to do that. She was raised to work for what you want. Don’t take handouts, only quitters do that. Her family was strict and self sufficient. There were no exceptions. You either made it in  this life or you didn’t. Tamala was embarrassed to ask for help. She didn’t want anyone in her family to know that she was unemployed so she kept up the façade like nothing was wrong.  But today things hit a bad bump in the road and she felt like she was rolling down the fastest roller coaster to hell. If only Tamala hadn’t asked the question. If only she had of kept her mouth shut. Maybe she could go back there. Not a chance, there was no turning back because reality was in control.

It all started when her assistant manager made his rounds like he did every morning. Making sure everyone had what they needed to get through their day and if he could be of assistance if not. Tamala had been wondering when she was going to get the help she needed. Help on one of her most difficult accounts that had been promised. Her assistant manager told her in front of the entire team that at the end of the month everyone’s focus would shift to help Tamala close out her account. The work load was so heavy it really needed two people to work it. But Tamala’s boss felt she could handle it he had said previously. He felt she was smart and this shouldn’t be a stressor for her. Well he was wrong. Tamala didn’t get the direction she needed to work the account, she was literally walking blindly trying to figure things out. Most times it was trial and error, more often error.

It was the end of the month and the reports had to be accurate for her client. As each day moved closer to Friday she felt the weight of an incomplete project looming. Not completing this project in full meant Tamala would be denied a raise again. Deep down Tamala felt like a loser, like she couldn’t play ball with the younger reps. Tamala was too self critical; she judged herself before anyone else could.  As she was on her way to the copier she had to walk past the offices of some of the executives.she heard her clients’ name. Trying to pretend not to hear the conversation,  Tamala heard her name once again but this time she heard the words “let go,” as well.  Was she going to be fired? Tamala instantly felt sick to the stomach. She needed this job, they couldn’t fire her! How would her bills get paid?