
Why Your Facebook Timeline Cover Photo Matters {Infographic}

In seven days, Facebook will make the mandatory shift for all businesses to utilize the Facebook Timeline. There have probably been as many groans and moans as there have been shouts for joy. Mainly because no one likes to change, it's comfortable to remain where you are. However, the Facebook Timeline has more functionality than the old Business Page design. As a business trying to strengthen a brand, marketers can use the Facebook Timeline to feature crucial business announcements like upcoming events, grand openings, etc. using the 'pin' feature. Facebook Timeline allows you to 'pin' an announcement on the top left of the wall up to seven days.

To prepare your business for the Facebook Timeline, work on getting a photo that fits and sets the tone of your page. Your cover photo should measure 851x351 pixels in order to display your business concept adequately. The photo you choose should be landscape oriented, keeping in mind that this photo will give visitors a visual idea of your business. Your Facebook Timeline cover photo will be like making that all too important first impression, make it count, it may be your one and only chance.

Below is an Infographic detailing the important features of the Facebook Timeline for your business. These are good tips, take a look at them.

The Guide to Facebook Timeline for Businesses Infographic by Marketo

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